Tips to keep your child ahead in the academic competition in 2021

3 min readMar 12, 2021


As a parent, you’re your kid’s first teacher. When parents are involved in kid’s educational progress on a day-to-day basis, kids tend to do better as they feel better about attending classes and paying attention to lectures. What family does is more imperative to a child’s academic success than how well-to-do the family is or how much education the family has? There are ways parents can help their children’s learning at school as well as at home.

Meet with your child’s teacher

As soon as your child starts attending school, you should find a way to talk to their teachers. Allow the teachers to know you better and how you want to remain involved in your child’s day-to-day learning progress process. Make it pretty much clear that you are available anytime the teacher needs the feel to contact the parents to discuss any key concerns.

Learn about everybody at your child’s school

There are numerous people at your child’s school who are helping hundreds of children learn, grow emotionally and socially, and also circumnavigate the school environment. Who is who at your kid’s school defines the liabilities of the teachers, administrators, and also the district staff. Every school is different, however, this blog will offer an all-purpose introduction to people of your child’s school.

Attend all parent-teacher meetings and be reachable to the teachers at all times

Schools typically have a couple of parent-teacher meetings every year. Besides, you can always ask for a meeting with the teacher if you feel required. You have a concern, which you should discuss immediately and only with your child’s teacher — fix a meeting and go for it. Never have a second thought about it, because your concern must have been caused by something critical at home and if not discussed with a professional, might lead to something grave.

Keep a note on your child’s everyday progress at school and at study

Talk to their teachers about how they are doing at school and in exams. If your child is keeping up when it comes to reading in front of the whole class. And, if not, ask teachers how the school and you can help in that matter. It is imperative to act sooner than later because you can’t afford your child to get far behind in the competition. Also, remember to review their report card each time.

Make sure your child gets their homework done every time

Allow your child to realize that education is one of the basic needs that they have to come up to imbibe and fulfill with flying colors. Let them know that homework might not decide their fate right at the moment, but it teaches them to be disciplined and responsible towards a task that needs to be done no matter what. In case you are reluctant to help your child with their homework because you don’t know the subject, consider getting them private tuition. It will help them learn and know everything they need to stay ahead in the academic race.

Some parents are also considering getting their children into extra courses on advanced subjects, such as coding, entrepreneurship, and more. Since the education sector and employment sector are getting more and more aggressively competitive, unless your child has something unique to offer, they are unlikely to be the winner.

Give your child the education the modern world requires.




Written by Kidocode

KidoCode is providing coding, math, & digital art courses for students of all ages with focus on the need-to-know skills that you just can’t get in school.

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